Kind treatment to the widows, orphans and the poor too is a part of good deeds that a Muslim must perform. If a person indulges only in personal comforts and luxuries not bothering about the orphans and other needy around him, he is not fulfilling the requirements of the Faith. When the Prophet (S.A.W) was asked about the requirements of the Faith, he said:
“Faith is respecting the Commands of Allah and kindness on His creatures.”
Our mission is to help and assist orphans and widows of our area by strengthening and encouraging them through economic, physical, medical, spiritual, and/or material means.
Students of NAR’RAH are greatly victim of poverty. There is a great hunger to quench their thirst of education but the meaning of their intellect and wisdom vanished for unyielding poverty. There are a countless outstanding students who cannot afford Fee , books , Uniform and transportation.
Our aim is to provide financial aid to these needy and deserving students. Committees will assess whether prospective students have met the financial aid requirements and recommend them accordingly.
we will provide aid to the poors who are vulnerable to bear the expences on burial & funery..
SKY‘ll plan to address social, educational and health issues of area, and ll make the liaison with government officials , agencies and elected members for the implementation of development projects
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